Zhumabaeva Aizhamal Myktybekkyzy
Scientific Secretary
candidate of pedagogical sciences
Contact phone numbers: 8(7262) 454640, 8-700-241-7169
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: 080000, Suleimenov 7, Taraz, Kazakhstan. Educational building no 1.1-403
The Academic Council of the Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulati is an elected collegial council.
The composition, powers, procedure for elections and activities of the Academic Council are determined by the laws "On Education" (with amendments and additions as of December 27, 2019), the Standard Rules for the Activities of the Academic Council of a Higher Education Institution (Order No. 574 of November 22, 2007), the University Charter Dulati. The activities of the Academic Council are based on the publicity of collective discussion of issues within its competence.
Within its competence, the Academic Council performs the following functions:
1) consideration of issues and decision-making on scientific, educational, methodological and educational activities;
2) consideration of a long-term plan for the development of educational laboratory and scientific laboratory facilities;
3) consideration of the issues of conferring academic titles to the teaching and research staff;
4) consideration and approval of internal regulations;
5) making decisions on all issues of organizing the educational process;
6) consideration of issues related to the implementation of the strategic development plan of the university;
7) consideration of the main issues and making decisions on the social development of the university;
8) summing up the results of the university's activities for the past academic year;
9) periodic consideration of reports on the educational, research and educational work of the Society;
10) consideration of reports on the activities of other structural divisions that are part of the Company;
11) consideration of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education in accordance with state compulsory education standards for approval by the Board of the Company;
12) consideration of other issues related to the activities of the Company and requiring a collegial decision.