In 2004 Then the scientists of the Damascene dynasty were born in Russia quote from the South African-Spanish language “Canadian Момышулы в page XXI month». Pages 100-person snowflake Monday, January 4, 2011 this year Private snowflake snowflake snowflakes реорганизован Danish-English spelling «Canadian». Since June 3, 2020, due to the closure of the Taraz State Pedagogical Institute and its affiliation to the M.H. Dulati Taraz State University. To date, the Bauyrzhantanu Research Center continues its work at the M.H. Dulati Taraz University.
Senior researcher at the Research Center -Master of Pedagogical Sciences Nayzabaev Alimbai Amanbaevich.
The purpose of the Bauyrzhantanu Research Center is to prepare an academic 100-volume collection of the works of the writer-soldier, Hero of the Soviet Union Bauyrzhan Momyshuly and present his literary heritage to future generations as a spiritual national treasure.
In this regard, the mission of the Bauyrzhantanu Center is as follows:
- He will prepare a collection of information about the life and literary heritage of B. Momyshuly, written in Kazakh and world languages.
- To search for new materials and photographic documents related to the life and work of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly from the personal funds of Azilkhan Nurshaykov, Ilyas Omarov, Kasym Kaisenov, Kallibek Kuanyshbayev, Malik Gabdullin and others stored in the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan to collect and systematize them and publish them in a multi-volume book.And about 100-girl Б. The price of the 30-year-old snowflake is covered in 2021 Years 31-й and 32-й years ago.
Given that the work of the Bauyrzhantanu Research Center has been well received by readers, the center has much more work to do in the future. There is hardly a poet, writer, scholar or journalist in Kazakhstan who has not written about Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. After collecting all their works, the project could publish about sixty volumes of materials. Currently, the manuscript of volumes 33 - 34 – 35 is in preparation and is ready for publication.
In addition, more than one hundred research and journalistic articles by the staff of the Bauyrzhantanu Research Center were published in national and regional publications, and interviews about the Bauyrzhantanu Center were broadcast on television and radio programs.
The regional scientific and creative competition "Bauyrzhan Readings" is held for the third year in a row for students in grades 7-11 together with the regional scientific and practical center "Zhambyl Daryny".
1.The manual "Bauyrzhantanuga kirispe" has been taught in recent years in schools and higher educational institutions. The training manual contains selected poems, words of edification, letters, stories and stories of the batyr.
2. In this bibliographic book published works of art and memoirs, the research of 1941-2011 the founder of the military literature of the Turkic peoples of the writer B.Momyshuly.
3. In the book of Mukhamedzhan Katimkhanuly "Tort tulga" you can read the unknown facts about Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, Malik Gabdullin, Sherkhan Murtaz.
4. The manual is intended for a wide range of readers, and students studying in the specialty of philology.
5. In the book of the famous writer, playwright Elena Alimjanuly, the qualities of heroism, patriotism of the son of the Kazakh people, the hero of the Soviet Union, the writer Bauyrzhan Momyshuly are comprehensively reflected.
6. Collected works in 30 volumes, published, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly.