R&D work at the university is concentrated in 1 R&D institutes, 8 centers, engineering laboratory and university departments. R&D is conducted on scientific directions in the field of natural, technical, agricultural, economic and socio-humanitarian sciences in accordance with the state program of science development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

NCJSC "Taraz Regional University named after M. Kh. Dulaty" successfully realizes the modern model of development of science and higher education of RK.

For the last 3 academic years, the university has been conducting prospecting and initiative scientific work in accordance with the thematic plan of the university, which is a part of 15 R&D programs. Work is currently underway on 71 R&D topics. Among them: 9-fundamental topics, 50-applied topics, 12-experimental research topics.  All these works are registered with the National Center of Expertise in order to participate in the competition on projects for commercialization of R&D results.

To maintain leadership in the region, in recent years the university has been improving scientific directions formed in accordance with the priorities of the programs of fundamental and applied research of the Republic of Kazakhstan, updates the resources of search and research work, participates in grant competitions.



For example, in 2022, 15 projects were implemented, in 2023-2024 - 59, at present, more precisely in 2024, 92 research projects are being implemented, including: 18 on a grant basis, 1-targeted program financing, and 3 international projects, 49 R&D projects, 20 startup projects.

As a result of these projects in 2024, the actual total financing of R&D reached 818 300 thousand tenge. This indicator in 2022 amounted to 144 398 thousand tenge, in 2023 funding amounted to 237 900 thousand tenge. In 2024, scientists of the university won 9 grant projects for a total amount - 4 323,4 million tenge, funded by the Committee of Science of the MES RK.

It should also be noted that the scientists of the university act in cooperation with scientists of other universities of RK on the basis of memorandums as co-executors on other scientific projects.

In 2024, the scientists of the university together with foreign partners are working on 3 grants totaling 91.067 million tenge.


In 2024, 63 applications were submitted for grant funding competitions. Given that there are 112 applications for such contests in 2023. And in 2022, there are only 90 applications. Of the 63 grant funding projects, 9 projects won.

The competition for the commercialization of scientific research results, organized by JSC "Science Foundation" - 1 project (350 million tenge), co–financing from business representatives - 122.5 million tenge.

The scientific and technical task for the targeted program financing  competition for 2024-2026 has been prepared - 3.5 billion tenge (water management and processing industry), co-financing from business representatives amounted to 355 million tenge.

The demand for scientific research can be observed by the increase in the number of funded research projects, which is growing every year.

In 2024, the volume of investments attracted to the university from grant financing projects, international projects, completed economic and contractual works and experimental and design works was increased. Thus, in 2024, investments were attracted from 18 projects of the Science Committee of MES RK on grant financing – 1 300.3 million tenge, from 3 international projects – 91.067 million tenge, 1 targeted program financing  3 500 million tenge, 1 RSSTA 350 million tenge, from startup projects - 9.212 million tenge, from 49 R&D project - 63.5 million tenge. 

Actual total financing of R&D in 2024 amounted to 818 300 thousand tenge. Financing in 2023 amounted to 259 271,08 thousand tenge in 2022 amounted to 144,398 thousand tenge, in 2021-127,602 thousand tenge, and in 2020 - only 40 million tenge.

Actual total financing of R&D in 2023 amounted to 259,271.08 thousand tenge. Financing in 2022 amounted to 144,398 thousand tenge, in 2021-127,602 thousand tenge, and in 2020 - only 40 million tenge.



In 2024, the amount of funding per full-time teacher amounted to 898.2 thousand tenge. This indicator in 2023 amounted to 276.9 thousand tenge, and in 2022 – 154.3 thousand tenge.



Thus, the total amount of funding for science at the university in 2024, amounted to 4 954,834 million tenge.

List of grant-funded projects "Zhas Galym"

List of grant-funded projects for young scientists

List of general grant-funded projects

List of international projects

List of program-targeted projects

List of projects based on economic contracts

Lists of projects for commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific-technical activities

Lists of Startup Projects

Research and development activities
