A very important stage has come in your life. It is the time to choose your future path, possibly determining your entire destiny.

Who to become in the future? What profession to choose? Some of you already firmly know what you want, someone still has not decided on your desires. In any case, a lot depends on the answer to this questions. Whether you succeed professionally, whether you become a sought-after specialist, whether you can realize your goals and aspirations - all this depends on what decision you will make now.

Of course, the best start for your professional success is a quality education received in a prestigious educational institution. What can serve as reliable criteria for choosing a university? Rich traditions and modern technologies, qualified teachers and demanded graduates, a powerful material and technical base and attention to social issues. All these criteria are met by Dulaty University, having half a century of experience in existence.

Dulaty University is a striking example of a modern university, where the most daring, advanced ideas, important innovations in the field of science, technology, and culture are realized. A person who has received a good education will be able to realize himself in science, and in business, and in public service.

Our university does not stand still, but is constantly evolving, opening up promising specialties, increasing educational and laboratory areas, introducing new technologies and directions. Graduates of our university successfully work not only in our country, but also in many foreign countries. For most employers, Dulaty University diploma is a serious argument when hiring a specialist for work and this is the best confirmation of the high quality of education at the university. The merit in this belongs primarily to university teachers - over the years, a team of professionals has formed in Dulaty University, enthusiastically sharing their knowledge with students.

Young friend! I wish you to take your first step into a new life firmly and confidently. Good luck!

Respectfully Baizhumanov M. K.,

 Chairman of the Board – Chancellor, Rector of  Dulaty University
