Position Head of Department, Associate Professor
Academic degree PhD doktor
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Address Building No. - , aud. -
In the 2023-2024 academic year, the department "History and Geography" was transformed into the department "History and Geography in Education" as a result of the division into two departments.
List of specialties of the department, training specialists:
The mission of the department is the preparation of highly qualified, competitive on the labor market teaching staff in History and Geography, possessing creative thinking and leadership qualities, ready for sustainable innovations in the field of education and actively participating in the development of the region.
The specialty department has concluded partnership agreements with the following institutions:
Secondary school No. 51 Taraz, Historical and local lore museum of Zhambyl region
Secondary school #53 of Taraz, secondary school #5 named after Zhambyla of Taraz, secondary school #56 of Taraz, secondary school #44 of Taraz
Graduates of the department work as teachers in schools and colleges, university teachers.
Structure of the department:
№ |
Namenovanie branch department
Department, contract No. branch, date
Head of the enterprise
1 |
"History and geography in education" |
ulitsa Suleymenov, 9. 1.3.102
Serubaeva A.T.
Number of laboratories and special offices:
according to educational planning -4;
po factu-4.
List of laboratories and special offices: 8
№ |
Номера и наименования аудиторий |
Наименование оборудования, инструментов, стендов |
Количество мест, ауд № |
Площадь, м2 |
1. |
Number and name of the auditorium
3.1-302 |
desk - 16
seats - 32
67,40 m2
2. |
Corr. Academy of Humanities RK. member k. i. n., office professor Zh. K. Bodanova
3.1-303 |
места -26
48,50 m2 |
3. |
Audience name K. i. n., associate professor Bailybekova (educational and methodological)
3.1-310 |
desk -30, place -30
48,60 m2
4. |
3.1-401 |
seats - 38
50,20 m2 |
5. |
3.1-402 |
desk-36, seats - 72
68,30 m2 |
6. |
3.1-403 |
places - 24
m2 - 35,50 |
7. |
Lecture hall named after the national hero RK Gaziza Baitasova
3.1-405 |
places - 40
52,50 m2 |
8. |
Industrial laboratory (geography)
1.3. 101 |
8 desks,
11 places
20 m2 |
Number of computer classes at the department-3
№ |
Number and name of the auditorium
Naming of software products
Number of seats,
aud no
Площадь, м2 |
1 |
3.1-302-office named after a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Ph.D. Sc., Professor Sh. A. Adilov
desk- 16
places - 32
67,40 m2 |
2 |
3.1-303-corr. Humanitarian Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. member of k.i. n., office of Professor Zh. K. Bodanov
places -26
48,50 m2 |
3 |
3.1-310-auditorium named after K. Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Baylybekov (educational and methodological)
educational and methodological office
desk -30, seats -30
48,60 m2
Audi with an interactive whiteboard. quantity-3
№ |
Numbers and names of audiences
Name of software products
Number of seats,
auditorium №
, m2 |
1 |
3.1-302-office named after a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Ph.D. Sc., Professor Sh. A. Adilov
interactive board
desk- 16
places - 32
67,40 m2 |
2 |
3.1-303-corr. Humanitarian Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. member of k.i. n., office of Professor Zh. K. Bodanov
interactive board
places -26
48,50 m2 |
3 |
3.1-310-auditorium named after K. Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Baylybekov (educational and methodological)
interactive board
desk -30, seats -30
48,60 m2
Number of computers in the department
№ |
Audience number
номер инвентарности компьютеров |
computer inventory number
1.3.101 |
00021523 |
1.3.102 |
800021520; 000000517; 400215; 00021521; 000000510; 000000522; 000026885 |
Research work
In the 2022-2023 academic year, senior teacher of the department Sadykova Asem Kayratovna successfully defended her doctoral dissertation at the dissertation council of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.
This academic year, a monograph by associate professor of the PhD department Aurika Temirkhanovna Serubaeva “The History of Central Asia in the Research of Sh. Ualikhanov” was published.
Associate Professor of the Department B. A. Zhursunbaev studies in the areas of history of Kazakhstan: antiquity, the Middle Ages and Modern times. Including the study of such issues as the Sak-Hun, the history of the origin of the Turks, and the colonial policy of the Russian Empire.
Educational and methodological works
The textbook “History of Asian and African Countries in the Middle Ages” was published under the authorship of senior teachers K. A. Sholpankulova and Zh. Kalygulova.
Educational work
In the department of “History and Geography in Education”, more than 300 supervisory hours and 30 supervisory hours out of turn were conducted in accordance with the established schedule. In the 2022-2023 academic year, 22 curators were approved in 32 curatorial groups for the Department of History and Geography. Of these, 7 curators were assigned to the 1st year, 5 curators to the 2nd year, 4 curators to the 3rd year, and 6 curators to the 4th year. All teachers and supervisors of the department are familiar with the rules “teacher honor code” and “student honor code” approved by the university.
6В01601 – training of history teachers
6В01506 – training of geography teachers
6В01512 – training of teachers of geography and history
7M01601 – training of history teachers

Position: Head of Department, Associate Professor
Academic degree: PhD doctor
E-mail: at.serubayeva@dulaty.kz

Position: assistant professor
Academic degree: PhD
E-mail: zs.tokbergenova@dulaty.kz

Position: assistant professor
Academic degree: Doctor of History
E-mail: ba.dzhursunbayev@dulaty.kz

Position: assistant professor
Academic degree: Doctor of History
E-mail: ba.dzhursunbayev@dulaty.kz
Position: assistant professor
Academic degree: doctor PhD
E-mail: ae.turlybek@ dulaty.kz

Position: assistant professor
Academic degree: doctor PhD
E-mail: ak.damenova@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: doctor PhD
E-mail: gb.idrisova@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: doctor PhD
E-mail: ak.sadykova@dulaty.kzz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: a.kalygulova@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: kr.abdurakhmanova@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: dr.madibayeva@dulaty.kz
Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: et.baibolov@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: azh.abilova@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: ls.bajserkeeva@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: db.dzharmukhanbetova@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: eu.zhorabekov@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: lt.baikeeva@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: ka.sholpankulova@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: di.danabekova@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: za.isaev@dulaty.kz
Department of Mamandygyndyktary tomendegi mekemelermen seriktestik turaly kelisim shartka otyrgan:
Taraz kalasyndagy No. 51 orta mektep
Zhambyl bald Tarihi-Olketanu museums
Taraz kalasyndagy No. 53 orta mektep
Taraz kalasyndagy Zhambyl atyndagy No. 5 mektep-gymnasium
Taraz kalasyndagy No. 56 orta mektep
Taraz kalasyndagy “No. 44 orta mektep
“Bilim berudegi tarikh zhane geography” of the department, I take the bagdarlamalaryny in search of asyryl uy tulekterdin zhumyska ornalalasuy bolyp tabylada. Memleketimizde Teacher martebesі koterіlip, olardyn enbekakysy da koterіlіp keledi. Osyghan orai betirushі tulekterdі zhūm šornałastyr natizhelerin taldau zhūmsk źornałastyr korsetkišterin on natizhesіn korsetedi.
6B01601 - Tarikh mugalimderin dayarlau, 6B01506 - Geography of mugalimderin dayarlau, 6B01512-Geography of zhane tarikh mugalimderin dayarlau more than one I take bagdarlamasyn bit Irgen student kelesi kasiptik kyzmet turlerin orndai alada:
Orta mektep mugalimi
collegederde okytushy
murazhay zhane muragat kyzmetkeri
7M01601 - Tarikh teachers dayarlau bіlіm beru bagdarlamasyn bitirgen master's student kelesі kasіptik kyzmet turlerin orynday alada:
zhogary oku oryndarynyn okytushysy;
mektep pen collegederde okytushy;
Gylymi-zertteu ortalyktarynda gylymi kyzmetker;