Position Head of the Department, PhD, Associate Professor
Academic degree PhD, Associate Professor
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The mission of the department is to train highly qualified and competitive personnel who possess instrumental, interpersonal, systemic and subject competencies, who are able to identify and assess the needs and opportunities for rehabilitation, correction, education and upbringing of children with special educational needs in the conditions of education, social protection and health care.
Bachelor degree
- 6B01801 - "Training of specialists in social pedagogyс" in the direction of training 6B01801 – "Training of specialists in social pedagogyс"
- Degree awarded: Bachelor of Education in the educational program 6B01801 - "Training of specialists in social pedagogy".
- 6B01901 - "Speech therapy" in the direction of training 6B01901 - Special pedagogy.
- Degree awarded: Bachelor of Education in the educational program 6B01901 - "Speech therapy".
- 6B01903 – "Special pedagogy-Defectology".
- Degree awarded: Bachelor of Education in the educational program 6B01903 – "Special pedagogy-Defectology".
- 6B01904 - Educator. Speech therapist in preschool education.
- 6B01905 Oligophrenopedagogy with the basics of sign language teaching
Master degree
- 7M01801-Training of specialists in social pedagogy in the direction of preparation 018-Training of specialists in social pedagogy and self-knowledge.
- Degree awarded:Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the educational program "7M01801-Training of specialists in social pedagogy and self-knowledge".
- 7M01804 – "Training of specialists in social and special pedagogy" in the direction of training 7M018 - Training of Specialists in social pedagogy and self-knowledge.
- Degree awarded: Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the educational program 7M01804 - "Training of specialists in social and special pedagogy".
- 7M019-Special Education.
- Specialists are trained by credit technology of education, in accordance with the provisions of the Bologna Declaration, which implies the possibility of continuing education in the CIS countries and abroad.

Position: Head of the Department, PhD, associate Professor
Academic degree: PhD, associate Professor
E-mail: ge.sanaj@dulaty.kz

Position: associate Professor
Academic degree: candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
E-mail: am.kalmataeva@dulaty.kz

Position: associate Professor
Academic degree: candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
E-mail: iyu.mordvintseva@dulaty.kz

Position: associate Professor
Academic degree: candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
E-mail: sha.tuleubaeva@dulaty.kz

- Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay.
- Pavlodar State Pedagogical University
- Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after K. Minin;
- University of Lodz (Poland)
- University of Great Vytautas (Lithuania)
- PMPK, Taraz, Regional PMPK, School for mentally retarded children
- Secondary schools No. 32, No. 38, No. 25 (practice base);
- Preschool educational institutions No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9, No. 16, No. 15, No. 36
- Branch of JSC NTsPK "Orleu", Center for Social Adaptation and Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities "ANUR"
- Municipal state institution "Center for Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations" of the Department of Education of the Akimat of Zhambyl region.
In general, the department actively develops work with foreign universities. For the current period, the department has more than 4 agreements with partner universities for the development of international cooperation. The geography of agreements and exchanges includes such countries as the Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Turkey, Russia and a number of others. The main part of the contracts is concluded with the universities of the CIS, which is associated with geographical and historical prerequisites, as well as with the universities of the European Union, which in turn is explained by the development strategy within the framework of the Bologna process. Undergraduates, as well as doctoral students of the PhD program, got the opportunity for internships at leading universities in Europe and Russia.
The criterion for meeting the expectations of the consumer (student) from the implementation of the educational program is the maximum employment of graduates. Every year the salary of school teachers and college teachers increases, the status of the Teacher rises. In this regard, the analysis of the results of employment of graduates shows a positive trend in employment indicators.
Graduates of our specialty can perform the following types of professional activities:The fields of professional activity of the specialty "6B01901 - "Speech therapy" and "6B01903 – "Special pedagogy-Defectology" are:
- special schools and institutions;
- speech centers;
- Boarding schools;
- children's correctional and developmental and rehabilitation centers; kindergartens; inclusive education institutions.
- Rehabilitation centers, orphanages and specialized schools for children with special needs.
- Specialized support sanatoriums;
- Special specialized schools;
- Medical centers.
The areas of professional activity of the specialty 6B01801 - "Training of specialists in social pedagogy" are:
- general education schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, preschool institutions, boarding schools;
- training and production combines (associations), educational and course networks, centers for training, retraining and advanced training of workers.
- rehabilitation centers, colonies, orphanages and specialized schools for children with disabilities.
- socio-pedagogical services of specialized institutions (nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, employment centers, etc.).
- committees for the protection of the rights of the child, social security agencies, departments with the support of children with mental and physical disabilities.
- school camps, clubs, public organizations.
- Can work in the education system as a social educator, child rights specialist and other social support agencies for various categories of the population.