

Position Head of the Department, Senior Lecturer

Academic degree Master of Laws

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Address Building No. - 1.3, aud. -


The Department of Civil Law and Process is a part of the Faculty of Economics and Law, and is a general professional one. Highly qualified teachers of the department take part in the scientific life of the university, international conferences, scientific projects.

Мission: consists in providing professional training for students and trainees in the field of civil law and procedure in all specialties and areas of training.

The disciplines of the department represent the main part of the professional training of lawyers. In addition, knowledge of civil law and process is necessary for every citizen to exercise and protect their rights and legitimate interests in everyday life. The department strives to generalize and disseminate its own positive experience in educational, practical and research work.

Educational program

Undergraduate Programs

  • 6В04213 - «Civil law and process»
  • 6В04214 - «Jurisprudence»

Postgraduate education

  • 7М04212 - «Jurisprudence»
  • 7М04213 - «Jurisprudence»


Development plan 
Development plan _master's degree
The professor-teaching staff
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Gulnar Dzhabaildayeva

Position: Head of the Department, Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Laws

E-mail: gt.dzhabaildaeva@dulaty.kz

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Zaure Abdukarimova

Position: Associate Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Legal Sciences

E-mail: zt.abdukarimova@dulaty.kz

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Aktoty Rzabay

Position: Associate Professor

Academic degree: PhD

E-mail: ai.rzabaj@dulaty.kz

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Yerzhan Satylganov

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Candidate of Legal Sciences

E-mail: et.satylganov@dulaty.kz

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Izbasarov Aitzhan Omirbekovich

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Doctor PhD

E-mail: ao.izbasarov@dulaty.kz

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Mamekova Lyazat Salikovna

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Laws

E-mail: ls.mamekova@dulaty.kz

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Gulnur Turgynbek

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Laws

E-mail: gp.turgynbek@dulaty.kz

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Aizhan Kozhakhmetova

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Laws

E-mail: aa.kozhakhmetova@dulaty

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Botagoz Kebeeva

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Laws

E-mail: bp.kebeeva@dulaty.kz

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Nurzhan Kalmasheva

Position: Senior Lecturer

E-mail: nb.kalmasheva@dulaty.kz

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Tanzilya Mahan

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Laws

E-mail: tu.makhan@dulaty.kz

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Ilyas Zhadraev

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Laws

E-mail: ik.zhadraev@dulaty.kz

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Mukhtar Tursynbayev

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Laws

E-mail: mb.tursynbayev@dulaty.kz

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Svetlana Surkova

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Laws

E-mail: ss.surkova@dulaty.kz

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Nurzhigit Asel Dosymailovna

Position: Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Laws

E-mail: ad.nurzhigit@dulaty.kz

  1. Police Department of Zhambyl region;
  2. Bar Association of Zhambyl Regional;
  3. Administrator of courts in Zhambyl region;
  4. Regional chamber of private bailiffs of Zhambyl region;
  5. Zhambyl regional notary chamber;
  6. Department of Justice of the Zhambyl region;
  7. Center for mediation and law "Aulie-ata Bitimger";
  8. Chamber of legal consultants of Zhambyl region.
Graduate model

After receiving a full education in the educational programs of the department, the graduate will have the following skills and competencies:

  • Apply civil law concepts, definitions; understand the system of civil law and legislation; be able to apply the norms of substantive and procedural law to specific life situations, legally correctly qualify facts and circumstances, possess the skills of legal advice in the field of civil, labor, corporate law; draw up and analyze legal documents;
  • Understand, interpret and own legal concepts in the field of law enforcement, know the system of bodies that disclose and investigate crimes; carry out all types of legal actions: draw up contracts, claims and statements of claim; give legal opinions, reviews; advise on various legal issues, provide legal assistance to the population; justify, make decisions and take actions within the limits of official duties (judicial, prosecutorial, notarial, etc.);
  • Ability to apply regulations governing legal relations in the field of private international law, family law, intellectual property law, contractual and banking law; the ability to carry out activities for the preparation, coordination and legal analysis of civil contracts, to solve complex problems of law enforcement practice;
  • Determine legal phenomena that affect the nature of changes and additions to regulatory legal acts; identify gaps in the legal regulation of legal relations; identify and analyze the problems of legal regulation of legal relations; possess legal terminology, legal techniques and skills in the development and implementation of legal norms; carry out the interpretation of legal norms, resolve legal problems and conflicts.
Certificate of specialized accreditation