
Abdirov Muratkhan

Position head of department

Academic degree PhD

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Address Satpayeva 28, comflex, 6.2


The mission of the department - is to train highly qualified specialists of a wide profile for the implementation of professional activities in the water sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Training of specialists for water management includes:

Study: accounting, planning and forecasting the integrated use of water resources, protection of surface and ground waters from pollution and depletion, their transportation to the place of consumption.

Educational program

Undergraduate Programs

  • 6В08614-Hydraulic engineering construction and facilities;
  • 6В08613-Water supply and sewerage of settlements;
  • 6B08615-Water Resources Management;

Master Degree Programs

Doctoral Degree Programs (PhD)

  • 8D07411-Hydraulic engineering and structures
The professor-teaching staff
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Abdirov Muratkhan

Position: head of department

Academic degree: PhD


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Abduramanov Abdumanap

Position: Professor

Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


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Sennikov N. Mikhail

Position: professor

Academic degree: Doctor of technical science


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Position: Professor:Professor

Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


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Dzhurumbayeva Rahima

Position: associate proffesor

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate proffesor


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Joldassov Saparbek

Position: associate professor

Academic degree: Candidate of technical sciences


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Omarova E. Galiya

Position: associate professor

Academic degree: Doctor of technical science


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Position: senior teacher

Academic degree: Ph.D., Water resouses


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Koishibayeva Gulmira

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: master


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Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: master


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Position: Senior lecturer

Academic degree: master


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Kozhamkulova Gulnaz Erlepesovna

Position: Senior lecturer

Academic degree: master


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Zholamanov Nurzhan

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: master


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Position: training master

Academic degree: master

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Tashenova Aigul Muhametkarimovna

Position: Head of the laboratory

Academic degree: Master

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Position: Ingener

Academic degree: Master

  • “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Melioration named after A.N. Kostyakova ", Russian Federation, Moscow.
  • "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Mechanization of Agricultural Engineers", Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent.
  • “PETER VELIKOGO St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, RF; St. Petersburg.
  • All-Russian Scientific Research Institute "Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation named after Vedeneev", RV, St. Petersburg.
  • "Kyrgyzgiprovodkhoz" Research Institute, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek.
  • Scientific Research Institute of Water Management LLP, Taraz.
  • RMK "Tarazsushar" of the branch "Kazvodkhoz", Taraz.
  • RMK "Ontustiksushar" of the branch "Kazvodkhoz", Shymkent.
  • RMK "Shu-Talas Basin Inspection", Taraz.
  • Kazyuzhgiprovodstroyproekt LLP, Taraz.
Graduate model

6V08614 - Hydrotechnical construction and structures

6V08615 - Water resources Management

Be able to:

  • apply the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as regulatory legal acts, instructions and methodological materials for the organization of construction, production technology of hydraulic engineering works, the main criteria for selecting machinery and equipment by type of work performed, types and properties of basic building materials, products and structures, rules for their transportation;
  • plan production tasks by stages of work, calendar plans and schedules for the production of construction processes, determine the types and complexity, volumes of construction work in accordance with the available material and technical resources, ensure that production tasks for putting objects into operation on time, and comply with the technological sequence of construction and installation work on the site;
  • have the skills to make the requirements of technical documents for the organization of construction and repair work, the procedures for implementing economic and financial relationships with customers and contractors, implementing measures to improve the level of mechanization of work, the introduction of new equipment;
  • analyze the necessary materials for the completion of the thesis (project) according to the approved topic, project materials on organizations, technologies, construction and operation of hydraulic structures, feasibility studies of design solutions.
  • apply methods for drawing up and linking the water balance, form a cost-effective and environmentally sound structure of water management systems, make decisions in the operational management of water management systems, draw up "Schemes for the integrated use and protection of water resources" of this river; methods for calculating seasonal and multi-year flow regulation by water storage facilities;
  • analyze and solve problems related to the formation of surface runoff; water balance of river basins; genetic and static methods for calculating the annual and intra-annual distribution;
  • perform calculations for regulating river flow by reservoirs; regulating the flow of floods and floods;
  • explain water resource regimes; principles for planning their use; methods for managing their quantity and quality;
  • use methods for drawing up and linking the water balance, forming an economically and environmentally sound structure of water management systems, making decisions in the operational management of water management systems, drawing up And analyzing " schemes for the integrated use and protection of water resources»;
  • apply water balance equations to analyze the possibility of rational use of natural water resources.

Know and understand:

  • the composition and content of regulatory documents for design of hydraulic structures, Water Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, technical and technological requirements for the designed objects; the main stages and principles of design of structures on channels Hydrotech-technical network calculation methods (bandwidth, coupling bays, etc.) soru-applications water systems;
  • works on design of water management and hydroelectric facilities, waterworks and hydraulic structures, hydroelectric and pumping stations, water intakes of surface and underground waters;
  • modeling of hydraulic structures.
  • history of development of domestic hydraulic engineering; layout of main and branch structures as part of complex hydroelectric facilities; main stages of design of hydraulic structures; basic principles of modern calculation methods (hydraulic, strength, filtration, etc.), hydraulic structures; fundamentals of design of all types of hydraulic structures on rivers, channels of the hydro-reclamation network;
  • parameters of the main structures of reservoir waterworks; calculate the overall dimensions of water discharge structures; calculations of spillway structures; overall dimensions of main channels and fixing their bottom and slopes; filtration calculations of GTS.

Be competent in matters of:

  • basic principles of design of hydraulic structures taking into account the integrated use of water resources;
  • methods of technical and economic comparison of options for choosing the optimal design of hydraulic structures;
  • justification of parameters of water-bearing hydraulic structures.;
  • metrological support of production;
  • schemes of confirmation of conformity;
  • unification and optimization in production;
  • planning and processing of test results;
  • control and supervision of compliance with safety regulations
  • knowledge of the basic principles of designing river hydraulic units and individual structures, taking into account the integrated use of water resources; methods of technical and economic comparison of options for choosing the optimal design of hydraulic structures;
  • proficiency in the use of normative, methodological, scientific and technical literature on the design of water management systems; work with geoinformation systems( GIS); comprehensive environmental assessment of the quality of territories using cartography, cadastres and GIS.
Certificate of specialized accreditation