Position head of department, associate professor
Academic degree candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor
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Address Building No. - 6.2 , aud. - 313
The mission of the department is to train highly professional specialists in the field of agriculture with comprehensive knowledge in the following areas: agrochemical soil survey, agrochemical survey and monitoring of soil fertility, agrochemical land assessment, agrochemistry, mathematical programming of fruit and berry crops, plant biochemistry, plant physiology , instrumental research methods
The implementation of the mission of training highly qualified and competitive specialists is ensured by solving the following tasks:
- improvement of methods and technology, improvement of the quality and reliability of design, construction and operation of engineering-reclamation and engineering-ecological systems, substantiation of new methods of reclamation, recultivation and land protection.
- improvement of educational course programs, educational and methodological complexes in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard of higher professional education;
- improving the quality of the organization of the educational process;
- introduction of new educational technologies;
- providing the educational process with modern literature and technical equipment;
- active development of research activities of the academic staff of the department, undergraduates and students;
- attraction to the educational process of highly qualified teachers and practitioners of public authorities;
- forming a modern system of educational work;
- development of cooperation with leading domestic and foreign universities, implementation of joint educational and scientific projects
Undergraduate Programs
- 6В08611 – Hydraulic technical reclamation;
- 6В08612 - Land reclamation and irrigated agriculture;
- 6В08111 - Protection and diagnostics of plants in the agro-industrial complex;
- 6В08112 - Technology of crop production;
Master Degree Programs
- 7М08614 - Reclamation and irrigated agriculture;
Doctoral Degree Programs (PhD)
- 8D08612 - Melioration and irrigated agriculture.
Position: head of department, associate professor
Academic degree: candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor
Position: professor
Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor
Position: associate professor
Academic degree: candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Position: associate professor
Academic degree: PhD
Position: senior instructor
Academic degree: Master of Agricultural Sciences
Position: senior instructor
Academic degree: Master of Agricultural Sciences
Position: senior instructor
Academic degree: Master
- Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Melioration named after A.N. Kostyakova ", Russian Federation, Moscow.
- "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Mechanization of Agricultural Engineers", Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent.
- St. Petersburg Polytechnic University named after Peter the Great, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg.
- Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation named after Vedeneev, Russia, St. Petersburg.
- LLP Scientific Research Institute of Water Management, Taraz.
- RMC "Tarazsushar", the branch "Kazvodkhoz", Taraz.
- RMK "Shu-Talas Basin Inspection", Taraz.
- Department of Agriculture of the Akimat of Zhambyl Region
- Zhambyl branch of the Republican State Enterprise "Scientific and Production Center of Land and Plant Growing
Characteristics of the professional activity of the graduate
Purpose of the program
The purpose of SP 6В08611- "Hydraulic reclamation" corresponds to the mission of the university, the state educational standard and the requests of potential consumers.
Professional activities of the graduate
Graduates of SP 6B08611- "Hydraulic melioration" occupy the following niches in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to the OKED of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- 01 Crop and livestock production, hunting and service provision in these areas
- 01.6 Activities promoting the cultivation of crops and raising animals and handling activities
- 01.61 Activities promoting crop production
List of professions that a graduate can perform after completing the SP
Types of future activities of graduates of the study program in which this profession is in demand. According to the National Classifier of Occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan 01-2017, the following group of professions was selected:
- 2142-9-013 - hydraulic engineer;
- 2132-9-001 - engineer of reclamation and recultivation
Purpose of the program
The purpose of SP 6B08612 -“Land reclamation and irrigated agriculture” corresponds to the mission of the university, the state educational standard and the requests of potential consumers.
Professional activities of the graduate
Graduates of SP 6B08612 - "Land reclamation and irrigated agriculture" occupy the following niches in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to the OKED Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- 01 Crop and livestock production, hunting and service provision in these areas
- 01.61 Activities promoting crop production
List of professions that a graduate can perform after completing the SP
Types of future activities of graduates of the study program in which this profession is in demand. According to the National Classifier of Occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan 01-2017, the following group of professions was selected:
- 2142-9-013 - hydraulic engineer;
Purpose of the program
The purpose of SP 6В08111- "Protection and diagnostics of plants in the agro-industrial complex" is the preparation of highly qualified and competitive bachelors corresponding to the state education standard and the requests of potential consumers with broad knowledge of theoretical and practical knowledge on the protection and diagnosis of plants in the agro-industrial complex.
Professional activities of the graduate
Graduates of SP 6B08111- "Protection and diagnostics of plants in the agro-industrial complex", according to the OKED of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, occupy the following niches in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- 01.1 Growing of perennial crops
- 01.11.1 Growing of cereals and leguminous crops, including seed production
- 01.11.2 Growing of oilseeds and their seeds
List of professions that a graduate can perform after completing the SP
According to the National Classifier of Occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan 01-2017, the following group of professions was selected:
- 2132-2-001 Plant Protection Agronomist
- 2132-2-002 Plant Quarantine Agronomist
Purpose of the program
The purpose of SP is the preparation of highly qualified and competitive bachelors corresponding to the state standard of education and the requests of potential consumers who have broad theoretical and practical knowledge and who own the methods of obtaining high-quality agricultural products of agriculture
Professional activities of the graduate
Functions of professional activity:
- soil scientists, agronomists, agrochemists, chief agronomists, plant protection agronomists in private agricultural companies of any organizational and legal form, phytosanitary institutions, farms, collective farms, agricultural firms, production cooperatives, in universities, research institutes, national parks, nature reserves, botanical gardens, stations of young naturalists, selection stations;
Professional level of education and training:
- technical and professional (mid-level specialist), post-secondary education, practical experience, or higher education.
A higher educational institution, taking into account the needs of the region and the characteristics of a specific study program, establishes specific requirements for special training of a certified specialist
Graduates of SP 6B08112- "Technology of crop production" occupy the following niches in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to the OKED Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- 01.19 Growing of other non-annual crops
- 01.2 Growing of perennial crops
- 01.21 Growing of grapes
List of professions that a graduate can perform after completing the SP
Types of future activities of graduates of the educational program in which this profession is in demand. According to the National Classifier of Occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan 01-2017, the following group of professions was selected:
- 2132-2-002 Plant Quarantine Agronomist
- 2132-2-003 Agronomist-entomologist
- 2132-2-004 Herbologist
Masters program
Characteristics of the professional activity of the graduate
Purpose of the program
The purpose of SP 7М08614 - “Land reclamation and irrigated agriculture” corresponds to the mission of the university, the state educational standard and the needs of potential consumers.
Professional activities of the graduate
Graduates of SP 7M08614- "Reclamation and irrigated agriculture" occupy the following niches in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to the OKED of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- 01 Crop and livestock production, hunting and service provision in these areas
- 01.61 Activities promoting crop production
List of professions that a graduate can perform after completing the SP
Types of future activities of graduates of the educational program in which this profession is in demand. According to the National Classifier of Occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan 01-2017, the following group of professions was selected:
- 1329-4-002 - chief Hydraulic Engineer;
- 1325-3-010 - head of the waterworks;
- 2132-9-001 – engineer of reclamation and recultivation
- 2144-7-008 - researcher of Agricultural Production
Doctoral program
Purpose of the program
The purpose of SP 8D08612- “Land reclamation and irrigated agriculture” corresponds to the mission of the university, the state educational standard and the requests of potential consumers.
Professional activities of the graduate
Graduates of SP 8D08612- "Land reclamation and irrigated agriculture" occupy the following niches in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to the OKED of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- 01.6 Activities promoting the cultivation of crops and raising animals and activities for processing crops
- 01.61.2 Operation of irrigation systems
List of professions that a graduate can perform after completing the SP
Types of future activities of graduates of the study program in which this profession is in demand. According to the National Classifier of Occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan 01-2017, the following group of professions was selected:
- 1233-0-002 - chief researcher;
- 1233-0-006 - head of the laboratory (research);
- 1233-0-017 - technical Director (Research and Development);
- 1310-1-014- chief - ameliorator;
- 1345-0-004 - director (head of the educational department);
- 1345-0-010 - head of the department.