

Position Head of the department, associate professor

Academic degree candidate of technical sciences

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Address Satbayeva 28, 6-1-334


Education and training of specialists in the field of electric power engineering, competitive, competent educated specialists.

Promote intellectual maturity, creative and critical thinking skills, design, communication and collaboration, professional and ethical accountability.

To prepare graduates for a successful career in the field and facilities of the electric power industry, private, public and state organizations, educational institutions through teaching disciplines that will provide the fundamental knowledge and practical skills necessary in a competitive environment.

Educational program

Undergraduate Programs

  • 6В07113 - «Electromechanics»
  • 6В07114 - «Power supply of industrial enterprises and civil objects»

Master Degree Programs

  • 7М07114 - «Electric power engineering» Graduation of bachelors and masters (profile and scientific and pedagogical directions) is aimed at training bachelors of engineering, masters of engineering and technology.
The professor-teaching staff

Position: Head of the department, associate professor

Academic degree: candidate of technical sciences

E-mail: bzh.kozhageldi@dulaty.kz

Tulenbaev Zhanat Sauranbaevich

Position: professor

Academic degree: doctor of technical sciences

E-mail: zhs.tulenbayev@dulaty.kz

Suleimenov Oral Anarbekovich

Position: professor

Academic degree: doctor of technical sciences

E-mail: oa.sulejmenov@dulaty.kz

Orynbaev Seitzhan Aueszhanovich

Position: associate professor

Academic degree: PhD

E-mail: sa.orynbayev@dulaty.kz

Zhanкuanyshev Martebe Kuttygiauly

Position: associate professor

E-mail: mk.zhankuanyshev@dulaty.kz

Kuttybaev Gani Usenovich

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

E-mail: gu.kuttybayev@dulaty.kz

Butabayeva Karlygash Esengeldievna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

E-mail: ke.butabayeva@dulaty.kz

Mynbayeva Zauresh Talasbekovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

E-mail: zt.mynbayeva@dulaty.kz

Zhanpeisova Aizhan Orynbekovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

E-mail: ao.zhanpejisova@dulaty.kz

Karnakova Gaini Zharaskhanovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

E-mail: gzh.karnakova@dulaty.kz

Eskulova Saule Shaizadaevna

Position: senior lecturer

E-mail: ssh.eskulova@dulaty.kz

Abdlakhatova Nazym Shokhadlayevna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

Omarov Zhaksylyk Talgatuly

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

E-mail: zht.omarov@dulaty.kz

Kabanbayev Aibek Batirbekovich

Academic degree: PhD. assistant professor

E-mail: ab.kabanbayev@dulaty.kz

  • LLP "Zhambyl Electric Networks"
  • LLP "Kazphosphate", mineral fertilizer plant
  • Zhambyl branch of KEGOC JSC
  • TPP
  • GRES
Graduate model

A graduate in EP 6V07114- "Power supply of industrial enterprises and civil objects" is awarded an academic degree of bachelor of engineering and technology.

Graduates can occupy the primary positions of category 1 technician, junior researchers, laboratory engineers, engineers of research organizations, design and engineering organizations without requiring any length of service and other positions.

The sphere of the graduate's professional activity is the field of science and technology, which includes a set of technologies, means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at creating conditions for the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are enterprises for the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity.

Graduates of EP 6V07114- "Power supply of industrial enterprises and civil objects" can perform the following types of professional activities: production and technology; experimental research; service and operational; organizational and managerial; installation and commissioning; settlement and design.

The field of professional activity of the graduate is the field of science and technology, which includes the production, distribution and use of electrical energy. The objects of professional activity of graduates are power plants, electrical distribution networks of various voltages. The subjects of professional activity are: electrical distribution networks; power stations and substations; relay protection and automation of distribution networks. Typical tasks of professional activity are aimed at: maintenance and control over the quality of functioning, improvement, modernization and improvement of technical and economic indicators of power supply systems, power plants and substations; carrying out standard and certification tests of switching devices, protective devices, measuring instruments, insulators; metrological verification of the main instruments for measuring the parameters of electrical networks, systems and means of relay protection and automation, current and voltage transformers; participation in the development of projects for power supply systems, power plants and substations of various voltages, protection devices and automation of electrical networks and substations; expert evaluation of technical proposals, technical specifications and other documents related to the design of power supply systems.

A graduate of this educational program can prove themselves as: a highly qualified specialist in the operation of electrical networks, power plants and substations; highly qualified specialist in the design of electrical networks, power plants and substations; highly qualified specialist in organizations that design cable lines, power transformers, high-voltage switching devices. Organization of our own private production and installation of electrical networks, high-voltage and low-voltage equipment, consulting and commercial activities in this area.

Certificate of specialized accreditation