Koshkinbayeva Nurgul Ryspaevna
Position Head of the Department, associate Professor
Academic degree PhD
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Address Building No. - 5.4. Zhambyl avenue 16a, aud. - 306
The main goal of the Department of "Music and Art Education"is to train competitive specialists who are ready to carry out professional teaching activities in the field of art and education in the following areas: music, artistic work and drawing, vocational training. Creation of a unified musical, pedagogical, artistic, creative and social environment, training of professionally competent specialists in the system of continuous and additional education. Formation of a personality capable of professionally, independently and effectively solving assigned tasks in the conditions of the developing economy of Kazakhstan.
The strategic goal of the department is the development of the educational process and material and technical base based on world standards aimed at training competitive, professionally competent specialists.
Educational programs are developed in accordance with modern requirements for specialists in the labor market. According to employers, educational programs are aimed at training specialists with the necessary knowledge in the field of education.
In addition, the training of highly qualified specialists with high social and civic responsibility, capable of carrying out professional activities in the following areas: education and formation of a comprehensively developed student’s personality, formation of students’ systematized knowledge in the field of music, applied arts, organization of the educational process at the modern level, carrying out scientific research and projects, including using modern information and communication technologies.
Along with the tasks of training specialists in three educational programs, the department is working to carry out educational activities in the field of popularization and preservation of national music, decorative and applied arts and national clothing.
- 6B01402 – Music Teacher Training
- 6B01403 – Training of teachers of art and drawing
- 6B01408 – Vocational training

Position: Head of the Department, associate Professor
Academic degree: PhD
E-mail: nr.koshkinbaeva@dulaty.kz

Position: associate Professor
Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
E-mail: m.abdrasilov@dulaty.kz

Position: associate Professor
Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences
E-mail: ae.dzhaskilenova@dulaty.kz

Position: doctor of Technical Sciences
Academic degree: Professor
E-mail: io.muldekov@dulaty.kz

- Abai Kazakh National University, Almaty;
- * Kurmangazy National Conservatory, Almaty;
- * M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent;
- * Korkyt Ata State University, Kyzylorda;
- * Zhambyl Humanitarian College named after Abai, Taraz;
- * Zhambyl Regional Philharmonic named after Kenen Azerbayev, Taraz;
- * Lyceum School No. 3, Taraz;
- * Lyceum School No. 49 named after Y.Altynsarina, Taraz;
- * Extracurricular Work Center, Taraz;
- * Regional center for school Olympiads and extracurricular activities "Zhambyl Daryny", Taraz.
- * Madame L Fashion House;
- * Aspara College;
- * Fashion Center "Asyl Design";
According to the educational program 6B01402-Music teacher training, graduates can perform the following types of professional activities:
- educational (pedagogical);
- educational and educational;
- educational and technological;
- socio-pedagogical;
- organizational and managerial;
- information and communication technologies;
- scientific research.
The object of professional activity of graduates: general education schools, vocational schools, colleges, secondary vocational educational institutions, higher educational institutions, factories, research organizations.
The implementation of the educational program is the maximum employment of graduates. The salaries of school teachers and college teachers are increasing every year, and the status of a teacher is increasing. In this regard, the analysis of the employment results of graduates shows a positive trend in employment indicators.
Graduates of the specialty 6B01404 "Vocational training" according to the acquired knowledge can perform the following types of professional activities:
- teacher of general technical disciplines of special technology in secondary and vocational schools, colleges, lyceums in a set of working specialties;
- teacher of labor technology;
- circle leaders;
- master of industrial training in the system of higher and secondary vocational training;]
- engineer of research institutions, design bureaus and manufacturing enterprises;
The object of professional activity of graduates: general education schools, vocational schools, colleges, secondary vocational educational institutions, higher educational institutions, factories, research organizations.
Graduates of the specialty 6B01403 - Training of teachers of artistic work and drawing according to the acquired knowledge can perform the following types of professional activities:
- teacher of artistic work and drawing, graphics and modeling in secondary and vocational schools, colleges, lyceums;
- art teacher in secondary schools;
- heads of craft clubs;
- methodologist, presenter of art museums and exhibitions.