
Kasenova Tolkyn Kalmakhanovna

Position Head of the department, acting master

Academic degree Associate Professor, PhD

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Based on this, the mission of educational programs is aimed at providing the needs of society and the state with new generation human and scientific resources in the field of information and communication technologies, as well as continuous support for the sustainable development of the innovative economy of Kazakhstan, covering the subsystems of education and science. Educational programs are developed in accordance with modern requirements for specialists in the labor market. According to employers, The educational program is focused on training specialists who possess the necessary knowledge in the field of education. the preparation of a highly qualified physics and computer science teacher with English language knowledge, with high social and civiс responsibility, able to carry out professional activities in the following areas: education and comprehensive formation of thestudent’s personality development; the formation of students systematized knowledge in the field of physics and computer science; organization of the educational process in the classes on physics and computer science at the modern level; implementation of scientific research, projects, including use of modern information and communication technologies.

Educational program

Bachelor's program

6В01502 – «Training of physics teachers»;

6В01503 – «Training of computer science teachers»;

6В01510 – «Training of physics and computer science teachers»;

Master's program

7М01502 – «Training of physics teachers»;

7М01503– «Training of informatics educators»;

PhD program

8D01502–«Training of physics teachers»

The professor-teaching staff
Bizhigitov Temirkhan

Position: c.ph-m.s.

Academic degree: professor

E-mail: t.bizhigitov@dulaty.kz

Kulzhamiliya Zholdasova

Position: c.ph-m.s.

Academic degree: professor

E-mail: k.zholdasova@dulaty.kz

Yeskermes Musabekov

Position: c.ph-m.s.

Academic degree: docent

E-mail: es.musabekov@dulaty.kz

Bibara Kushkimbayeva

Position: c.ph-m.s.

Academic degree: docent

E-mail: bzh.kushkimbaeva@dulaty.kz

Sofiya Egemberdiyeva

Position: c.ph-m.s.

Academic degree: docent

E-mail: bzh.kushkimbaeva@dulaty.kz

Elmira Madalieva

Position: Associate Professor

E-mail: yeb.madalieva@dulaty.kz

Ardak Amanbaeva

Position: Senior lecturer

E-mail: an.amanbayeva@dulaty.kz

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Vitaliy Kurdyukov

Position: Senior lecturer

E-mail: vv.kurdyukov@dulaty.kz

Nadira Nietbayeva

Position: Senior lecturer

E-mail: na.nietbayeva@dulaty.kz

Maikul Kusherbaeva

Position: Senior Lecturer

E-mail: mr.kusherbayeva@dulaty.kz

Gulayim Orazymbetova

Position: Senior lecturer

E-mail: gkh.orazymbetova@dulaty.kz

Aliya Satybaldiyeva

Position: Senior lecturer

E-mail: ab.satybaldieva@dulaty.kz

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Kanat Abidin

Position: Senior Lecturer

E-mail: ksh.abidin@dulaty.kz

Karakoz Ibragimova

Position: Teacher

E-mail: ka.ibragimova@dulaty.kz

Zarina Aidaralieva

Position: Senior Teacher

E-mail: zd.ajdaralieva@dulaty.kz

Balnur Karymsaqova

Position: Teacher

E-mail: bt.karymsakova@dulaty.kz

Raikul Merseitova

Position: Laboratory assistant

E-mail: mr.kusherbayeva@dulaty.kz

Khalmuratova Kundyzai Bakirkyzy

Position: laboratory assistant

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Raimbayeva Saule

Position: Teacher

E-mail: sa.raimbayeva@dulaty.kz

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Junbayeva Gulnur

Position: Senior Teacher

E-mail: g.djunbaeva@dulaty.kz

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Yunussova Zhadra

Position: laboratory

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Kopbai Aidana

Position: laboratory

  • Belarusian State Pedagogical University Named after Maxim Tank;
  • Taraz Innovative-Humanitarian University;
  • Secondary school №5 (practice base);
  • Regional Institute for Teachers Advanced Studies.
  • Shool-gymnasium №53 named after K.Turysov
  • №48 shool named after T.Ruskulov
  • Daryn Lyceum boarding school for gifted children
  • School-gymnasium No. 8 named after Tole Bi
Graduate model

The criterion for meeting the expectations of the consumer (student) from the implementation of the educational program is the maximum employment of graduates. Every year, the salaries of school teachers and college teachers increase, the status of the Teacher rises. In this regard, the analysis of the results of employment of graduates shows a positive trend in employment indicators.  

Graduates of the chair "Computer science" can perform the following types of professional activities:

  • educational (pedagogical) - teacher of informatics;
  • specialist in the field of computer science and information technologies;
  • In productional-technological direction - a programmer;
  • In organizational-managerial direction - a manager of computerization;
  • researcher in scientific field;
  • Web-programmer, IT-specialist;
  • management organizations, banks, business structures, database developers.

The objects of professional activity of  the bachelor on the  specialty of "Physics" are:

  • educational institutions of state and non-state financing, preschool educational organizations, schools, lyceums, grammar schools, colleges,educational institutions of technical and vocational education;
  • science organizations: scientific, research centers in the field of physics, pedagogy, psychology and teaching methods;
  • management organizations: state management bodies, education departments;
  • organizations of the various forms of the ownership using physical research methods in their work.
Certificate of specialized accreditation
Achievements of teachers
Kulzhamiliya Zholdasova

Position: professor

Academic degree: c.ph-m.s.

E-mail: k.zholdasova@dulaty.kz
