Position head of the department
Academic degree doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor
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Training in the conditions of spiritual modernization of Kazakhstan highly qualified, competitive, spiritually developed, creative teaching staff of the world level, who have mastered all the facets and secrets of innovative technologies, mastered the potential of modern teaching tools, constantly striving for professional excellence; disclosure of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the professional training of future teachers in the context of the globalization of education; identification of new methods, ways of training creative future teachers in the framework of innovative paradigms of modern education in the global competitive environment; improving the creative potential of future teachers through the study, research, generalization and dissemination of the innovative experience of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools and Nazarbayev University; to reveal effective ways to improve the scientific and methodological level of education and the quality of education.
Master course
7М01107 - Еducation management and leadership (IP)

Position: head of the department
Academic degree: doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor
E-mail: kd.buzaubakova@dulaty.kz

Position: acting professor
Academic degree: candidate of pedagogical sciences
E-mail: ga.elubaeva@dulaty.kz

Position: acting associate professor
Academic degree: candidate of pedagogical sciences
E-mail: aa.shaukhanov@dulaty.kz

Position: associate professor
Academic degree: candidate of philosophical sciences
E-mail: rb.ordabaeva@dulaty.kz

Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master of pedagogical sciences
E-mail: szh.bupetaeva@dulaty.kz

Position: associate professor
Academic degree: candidate of pedagogical sciences.
E-mail: zn.kudebaeva@dulaty.kz

Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master of pedagogical sciences
E-mail: sa.aubakirova@dulaty.kz

Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master of pedagogical sciences
E-mail: te.konakbaeva@dulaty.kz

Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master of psychology sciences
E-mail: am.mambetova@dulaty.kz

Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master of pedagogical sciences
E-mail: kr.ushakbaeva@dulaty.kz

Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master of pedagogical sciences
E-mail: eb.dujsenbekov@dulaty.kz

Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master of pedagogy and psychology
E-mail: zhm.kelimanova@dulaty.kz

The center of pedagogical excellence at the department established cooperation with foreign universities:
- Istanbul University (Turkey);
- Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University (Russia);
- Leipzig University (Germany) and others.
Within the framework of the dual education system for the preparation of future teachers, cooperation has been established with the following higher educational institutions and educational institutions of the republic:
- Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University;
- Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University;
- Taraz branch of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence (Taraz);
- Zhambyl regional institute for advanced training of pedagogical personnel of JSC NTSPK "Orleu";
- Taraz Innovative Humanitarian University (Taraz);
- Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov (Aktobe);
- secondary school №44 named after Sh. Smakhanuly;
- secondary school №23 named after KD Ushinsky;
- Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, etc.
Training specialists with an academic master's degree for scientific and diagnostic work in the system of continuing education, for practical management work in the field of pedagogy and psychology of secondary and higher education, the development of their research, analytical and creative abilities.
GRADUATES can carry out professional activities in the following educational institutions:
- Schools, colleges, university;
- different types of educational organizations;
- governmental and non-governmental organizations (ministry of education, education departments, administrations, akimats, private educational centers, consulting and management);
- Companies engaged in the organization of educational activities of the general pedagogical process.